All About Jill

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Am I Down?

Life is moving right along here in south-central Iowa. Carter is in preschool, we've had 2 play-dates, I've joined a community service group for 2 of us.
There is 6 inches of snow and it's coming down. I've been told that Iowa has the God plan for snow - God put it there, He will take it away. Which is great... but we live on a hill... and one would think the city would at least try to plow a few of the more major roads. *Maybe* once today did I see a snow plow/sand truck drive by - but I'm pretty sure it was because of the doctor that lives on the road behind us. Also? No snow removal service has been seen by myself, or JB, after dark. What the.... It's Iowa. In February. You would think people would make a bigger fuss.
Anyway - because of all this snow (and then the melting - and more snow) of the five days Carter has been enrolled in his new school, he's only been twice. But I'm not a complete spoil sport of a mom - we do have some outside fun (even if it's at much prodding and pressure on my son's behalf). Here are a couple of videos of what we did today:

Wipe Out

This second one doesn't have the greatest quality - as it was snowing and my camera kept fogging up - however, the little voice at the end is just amusing.

I am down?

And since we're supposed to have over 8 inches by morning, I'm guessing he won't have school tomorrow either - so watch for cute snow-(wo)men!


Blogger TheBombria's said...

Well it sounds like things are coming right along for you guys!!! Those movies are way too cute.....can't wait till I can take Lillian sledding!!

February 7, 2008 at 8:50 PM  
Blogger erin black said...

"I am down?" Holy Cow, that is so stinkin' cute! I'm gonna listen to that all day long.

I'll trade you Boozer for Farter for a month...maybe two. Deal?

February 9, 2008 at 9:58 AM  
Blogger Rick said...

Nice video - he didn't seem to mind the sudden stop at the end.

February 16, 2008 at 10:07 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

How adorable! He's such a cutie. I remember Iowa winters. Lots of snow. Grew up in Waterloo/Cedar Falls.

Hey! Look at Erin's pic! She's lookin' smokin' HOT!

Um. If i was a guy, I'd be ALL over that! Too bad she's married.

I really like seeing the interactive videos on the blogs. Like I don't watch too much TV as it is...

April 1, 2008 at 10:58 PM  

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