All About Jill

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's not a habit, it's cool, I feel alive

Hi. My name is Jill.

And I'm an addict.

and I just really like this song. From like 15 years ago.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Our Christmas Week in Review

Since this is all about me (and by default my children), I'm going to assume that I've already asked you how your holidays went.

We had a lovely Christmas.

Sawyer enjoyed ripping paper. And playing with the boxes.

And Chewing on Christmas themed Weebles.

We ate some candy.

We tested out the toys of our children. To make sure they weren't faulty, you know.

Then we rang in the new year with some good games, good food, good times, and good friends! Just as every new decade should begin!