All About Jill

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Obligatory Santa Photo Op

We visited Santa after we toured our town's Drive Through Light display.

Carter asked for Pants.
And agreed with Santa that kitty litter would be a good gift idea.

We don't own a cat.

I'm thinking Sawyer wasn't so impressed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

No Day Like a Snow Day

School was canceled today.
We're under a blizzard warning until tomorrow night.
Then we're supposed to have some pretty high winds.
Yay - drifting!

Caddie doesn't seem to mind. Much.

I spent the day making "warm" (not hot) cocoa & finding dry gloves, boots, pants, jackets, and of course helping with peeling off wet socks.

As much as I hate the cold - there has been proof that I find it's well worth it!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Attention All Autobots: You've Been Called to Battle

I finally got around to booking Carter's birthday party location.

Nothing like waiting until 2 weeks before the day of the party, right?
Hey! Watch the racin' stripes!

These are pictures from last nights photo shoot, to be used on his invitation.

I'm totally getting my money's worth from those post-Halloween costumes, right?!
